Saturday, October 25, 2008

Spicebush Swallowtail Caterpillar (animal #3)

KINGDOM: Animalia
CLASS: Insecta
ORDER: Lepidoptera
FAMILY: Papilionidae
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Papilio troilus
COMMON NAME(S): Spicebush Swallowtail
NOTES OF INTEREST: All the photos of this creature I can find show a GREEN caterpillar...don't know why this one is orange...but the markings are identical to the spicebush...perhaps a sub-species? This caterpillar went into its chrysalis within a day or two of us finding it. We waited several never emerged. Perhaps intended to winter-over?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Wintergreen (plant #1)

KINGDOM: Plantae
Gaultheria procumbens
COMMON NAME: Wintergreen, checkerberry
NOTES OF INTEREST: Leaves can be harvested any time of the year...nibble on them as a trail snack, or brew into tea. Berries ripen in fall but flavor improves with look for them in winter and spring for a trail nibble. Leaves and fruit contain an aspirin-like substance that effectively reduces fevers and minor aches and pains. NO POISONOUS LOOK-ALIKES.
PHOTO TAKEN: Fall 2008

Unknown (animal #2)

Because one blog is never enough...

I've decided to start another!

I got the idea for this blog after reading this article regarding the 100-species challenge. I thought it would make for a great homeschooling/life experience project, and, so far, the kids are thrilled with everything we've learned! And, although the original challenge pertains to plants, our family will be including animals, as well, because they are the boys' main interest right now. It is my goal to identify 100 plant species AND 100 animal species on our 11 acres. This will be an ongoing project, with no definite ending point. We will attempt to photograph each species and post with latin and common names.

Learn along with us!

Stay tuned,